Istanbul New Airport Public Transportation: Bus, Metro or Tram?
Author : isturkeysafe
Last Update : 4/13/2019

The Istanbul New Airport started operations on 29 October 2018. At first, flights were being done to only a few cities (Ankara, Antalya, Izmir etc.). However, Ataturk Airport is closed to all passenger flights on 7 April 2019. Most of the passenger flights from/to Istanbul are being carried out from the Istanbul New Airport currently.
Since the Ataturk Airport was close to the city center, transportation to there was very easy. So how is the public transportation to the Istanbul New Airport?
Since the Ataturk Airport was close to the city center, transportation to there was very easy. So how is the public transportation to the Istanbul New Airport?
Istanbul New Airport is only accessible by road currently, no train or subway is available right now. There is no train or subway to Istanbul New Airport, however there is a subway construction in progress. M11 (Gayrettepe -Istanbul New Airport - Halkali) metro line is the metro project of Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (IMM). The first phase of the line is planned to be opened in 2019, the second phase (Halkali - Istanbul Airport) in 2020.
So, how can you get to Istanbul Airport by public transport? Transportation to Istanbul New Airport by public transportation is provided by IETT buses and HAVAIST buses. Both companies are managed by the IMM. You can find the lines and timetables for buses to/from Istanbul New Airport at our article Istanbul New Airport by Bus.You may think to use taxi to Istanbul New Airport. You can find all details, prices and tips about using taxi to Istanbul New Airport at our article Istanbul New Airport by Taxi. If you want to calculate taxi fare for a specific address (hotel, restaurant, POI etc.) from Istanbul New Airport, you can try our beta application ISTANBUL AIRPORT TAXI FARE CALCULATOR.
So, how can you get to Istanbul Airport by public transport? Transportation to Istanbul New Airport by public transportation is provided by IETT buses and HAVAIST buses. Both companies are managed by the IMM. You can find the lines and timetables for buses to/from Istanbul New Airport at our article Istanbul New Airport by Bus.You may think to use taxi to Istanbul New Airport. You can find all details, prices and tips about using taxi to Istanbul New Airport at our article Istanbul New Airport by Taxi. If you want to calculate taxi fare for a specific address (hotel, restaurant, POI etc.) from Istanbul New Airport, you can try our beta application ISTANBUL AIRPORT TAXI FARE CALCULATOR.
What about alternatives to reach there? You can use the following ways to reach the Istanbul New Airport: