Current Electricity Prices in Turkey

Author : isturkeysafe


Last Update : 5/12/2020

Starting with Edison and Tesla, electrical energy in a way that changes the whole life irrevocably by allowing people to live comfortably in Turkey. In Turkey, only certain centers were connected to national electrical network until the 1990s; however today almost everyone (including all the villages and town centers) reach the electricity.
If you plan to stay for a while in Turkey in a rental house (or your own house), you have to think about the cost of the electricity. If you are considering renting a home in one of Turkey's resort areas especially in the summer, electricity bills may be very high due to air conditioners working. Life without air conditioning? During the summer months in Didim or Alanya, daytime temperatures are based on an average of 40 degrees; hence, a life without air conditioning cannot be imagined in these regions. In an environment where air conditioners work continuously, it would be wise to add electricity cost to daily expenses.
So what about electricity prices in Turkey? Determination of electricity prices in Turkey is leaded by ‘Energy Market Regulatory Authority’. On the other hand, distribution and sale of electricity to public users is made by private companies nearly in all cities in Turkey. For example, you need to contact Bogazici Electricity Distribution Company (BEDAS) in Istanbul for transactions such as electricity subscription or bill payment; on the other hand Enerjisa conducts electricity distribution operations in Ankara. Electricity distribution operations in İzmir are made by Gediz Electric ; In Antalya, it is run by CK Energy . All these energy distribution companies are legally responsible to EMRA). Therefore, EMRA determines the energy prices.
How much money you need to pay for 1kW of electricity in Turkey? What are the electricity prices in Antalya? How much is 1kw electricity in Aydin? When it comes to electricity prices, a lot of variables emerge. Electricity prices can vary depending on the agreement with the energy vendor institution, what time of day you use electricity more or in which city you live. However, this change is not very important because of the EMRA control of prices. In Turkey, the usage (in the home or in industry) can vary the price of electricity. In this article, we give the price of the electricity used in the home, assuming you came to Turkey on holiday. The price of electricity for industrial or commercial can be accessed from the Energy Market Regulatory Authority official website.
Below you can find the approximate electricity price information, including taxes currently:
1 kWh electricity price for Turkey in 2020 is 0.017 € / 0.018 $ / 0.71 TL
This price may not make sense to you. In this case, with a short assumption, we can calculate how much electricity bill you will pay on average. A detailed study about how much electricity is consumed at an average home in Turkey does not exist. However, we can assume that the monthly electricity usage for a family with an average of 2 children is 300kWh in recent years. Of course, this usage is the usage information at an average season where everything goes normally and you do not have a 65inch TV in house. In Turkey, where the air conditioner runs constantly, in a touristic center (eg Didim) per 100m2 house, 400kwh be considered average. So how much invoice do you pay in case of 400kWh monthly usage?
In 2020 the average price you have to pay monthly for the monthly average electricity use of 400kwh in Turkey: 6.850 € / 7.382 $ / 280 TL
What about electricity prices in Turkey compared with other countries? Electricity prices in Turkey are not cheap when considering the purchasing power of the Turkish people. However, compared with other countries, we can say that electricity prices in Turkey are below-average. Compared with other OECD countries, a person living in Turkey can purchase electricity at a price below the average of other OECD countries.
How electricity bills are paid in Turkey? Electricity bills, although exceptions, are usually paid monthly in Turkey. For this purpose, an officer comes to your house every month and records your electricity usage and leaves you a -lovely- invoice. Electricity bills can be paid online anywhere in Turkey in general. If you do not want to pay electricity bill online in Turkey, can easily pay electricity bills to nearest PTT office to you. (Click here for our article 'PTT Post Turkey : Information, Tips and Cargo Tracking'.)

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