PTT Post Turkey : Information, Tips and Cargo Tracking
Author : isturkeysafe
Last Update : 11/3/2019
PTT Abbreviation
First of all, PTT is the abbreviation for Postal and Telegraph Organization('Posta ve Telgraf Teskilati' in Turkish)
PTT Corporate Structure
PTT is a state owned company which is owned by the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Treasury and Finance in terms of capital while managed by the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure in terms of management. The Postal Custody established in 1840 during the Ottoman Empire period has come to our day as PTT with various organization changes. PTT is the only mailing institutions of the Republic of Turkey. Before the internet and smart phones were invented, the institution had a very important place in communication because of letter, phone and telegraph services. Afterwards, telephone services were separated from the company and Turk Telekom company was established. In parallel with the developments in technology, PTT was transformed into a joint stock company in 2013. After the changes of the last ten years, by post office, mail, cargo and banking services, PTT maintains its importance in Turkey.
PTT Services
PTT provides the following services as of 2019, the changes it has undergone for years can make some services new for you: